291 research outputs found

    Sour cassava starch in Colombia

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    Valorisation du manioc in Equateur : diversification des utilisations et mise en place de normes de qualité

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    Caracterización de la agroindustria de procesamiento de almidón agrio en el departamento del Cauca, Colombia

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    Additional activities of the larger study included problem and opportunity identification and prioritization through "focus groups" for each level of production technology, and for representatives of user groups, i.e. bread/pastry and snack food industries. This information will serve to generate a common agreeable research and development agenda, involving relevant sector interest groups and institutes, to be finalized in the development of an integrated sour starch industry project

    Proyecto integrado de investigación y desarrollo de la producción y transformación de yuca para la obtención y comercialización de almidón agrio de yuca : Adopción e impacto

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    Almidón agrio de yuca en Colombia

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    Gains from selection to improve carotenoids content in cassava roots

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    Thermomechanical characterization of an amylose-free starch extracted from cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz)

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    The aim of this study was to determine and compare the melting (Tm), glass transition (Tg) and mechanical relaxation (Tα) temperatures of a new waxy cassava starch. Thermal transitions measurements were obtained by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Dynamical Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA). The experimental data showed a high correlation between water volume fraction and melting temperature (Tm) indicating that the Flory-Huggins theory can be used to describe the thermal behavior of this starch. The Tm of waxy cassava starch-water mixes were lower than a waxy corn starch-water reference system, but differences were not statistically significant. The mechanical relaxation temperatures taken at tan δ peaks were found 29–38 °C larger than Tg. The Tα and Tg measured for waxy cassava starch exhibited similar properties to the ones of waxy corn starch, implying that waxy cassava starch can be used in food and materials industry

    Retención de β-caroteno en preparación de Fariña y Casabe

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    Con el apoyo del programa de bioforti¬cación de HarvestPlus, el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) trabaja actualmente en la generación de nuevas variedades de yuca amarilla con altos contenidos de β -caroteno con el objetivo de combatir la defi¬ciencia de vitamina A en el mundo. Las variedades de yuca antes de ser liberadas para su consumo deben presentar además de altos contenidos de carotenos, un buen comportamiento agronómico y bajo contenido de cianuros. El objetivo de este trabajo es incentivar el consumo de yuca amarilla bioforti¬cada por medio de su uso en recetas de la región de centro y Suramérica (casabe y fariña), mejorando la calidad nutricional de los productos. En este trabajo se evaluó la retención aparente usando 2 recetas originarias del Amazonas para fariña y casabe, utilizando yuca amarilla bioforticada